Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers and other Spectators
Parents and Spectators have a great influence on children’s enjoyment of football therefore it is important to remember that however good a child becomes at football within your club it is important that parents and spectators positively encourage:
- Children enjoying football
- A sense of personal achievement
- Self esteem
- Assist to improve the child’s skills & techniques
A parent or spectators expectations and attitudes have significant bearing on a child’s attitude towards:
- Other players
- Match Officials
- Managers
- Spectators
When observing football or in the area of other football related activities I will:
- Remember that children play for fun.
- Arrive with my child punctually.
- Ensure that I am always positive and encouraging towards all of the children and not just your own.
- Remain outside the field of play and within the Designated Spectator Area.
- Applaud the opposition as well as my own team.
- Let the coaches do their job and not issue any instructions to any players, including my own, as this may confuse the players
- Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour.
- Always respect the match officials’ decisions.
- Applaud effort and good play as well as success
- Give attention to all levels of ability not just the most talented.
- Give encouragement to everyone to participate in football.
- Agree and adhere to the Code of Conduct and Child Protection Policy.
- Always seek prior permission for photo opportunities from a club official or parent.
- Never criticise a player for making a mistake as mistakes are part of learning.
- Refrain from, and refuse to tolerate any form of bullying and/or abuse.
- Comply with all regulations set by my Club and The Football Association regarding Covid-19 and ensure my child/children are also compliant.
I understand that if I do not follow The Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my Club, the appropriate league or County FA and I may:
- Be required to apologise to the team, other parents and/or any other person at the Club
- Receive a formal warning from the Club, League and/or County FA
- Be required to attend a disciplinary hearing with the Club, League and/or County FA
- Be suspended from attending matches and/or training
- Be required to attend an educational course
- Be required to leave the Club with any dependents
In addition:
- My Club may make the appropriate league or County FA aware of any infringements of this policy
- County FA or appropriate leagues could impose a fine and suspension against my Club or against me personally and I would be responsible for paying that fine
Code of Conduct for Players
We all have responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. As a player you will have a big part to play.
When playing football, I will:
- Always play to the best of my ability
- Play fairly – I won’t cheat, complain or waste time
- Respect my teammates, the other team, the referee or my manager/coach
- Play by the rules, as directed by the referee
- Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game
- Listen and respond to what my manager/coach tells me
- Refrain from, and refuse to tolerate any form of bullying and/or abuse
- Talk to someone I trust or the Club welfare officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my Club
- Have fun and enjoy
- Comply with all regulations set by my Club and The Football Association regarding Covid-19
I understand that if I do not follow The Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my Club, League or County FA. I may:
- Be required to apologise to my teammates, the other team, referee or team manager
- Receive a formal warning from the Club, League and/or County FA
- Be substituted
- Not be included or involved in matchdays
- Be required to attend a disciplinary hearing
- Be suspended from training
- Be required to leave the Club
In addition:
- My Club may make my parent or carer aware of any infringements of The Code of Conduct
- My Club may make the appropriate league or County FA aware of any infringements
- County FA or appropriate leagues could impose a fine and suspension against my Club or against me personally and I/my parent/carer would be responsible for paying that fine