Annual General Meeting

The Club’s General Committee wishes to announce its Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th October 2021 at the King George V stadium.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous annual General meeting
  2. To receive the Generals secretary’s report on the General condition and progress of the Club during the previous year
  3. To receive and, if approved, to sanction the independently examined statement of accounts of years ending 30th April 2019 and 30th April 2020 from the Treasurer
  4. To take note of the annual subscriptions from Members is fixed by the General Committee for the ensuing year
  5. To rescind, alter or amend Club Rules, provided due notice shall have been given in accordance with Rule 14.
  6. To deal with any special matter which the General Committee may wish to bring before the Members, providing due notice shall have been given in the notice convening the annual General meeting
  7. To elect the President or confirm the existing appointment.
  8. To elect the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the General Secretary and the Treasurer of the Club, the Members of the General Committee, and the independent examiner of accounts. Nor officer or member of the General Committee shall be elected as independent examiner
  9. To elect the custodians of the Club or confirm their appointments.

Any full member wishing to stand for election to any of the roles, must place their name on the notices within the Club and must be proposed and seconded at least 24 hours prior to the AGM.

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